Tuesday, April 3, 2012

SIWWP: preggo ginormo edition

Let's face it -- we are approaching the final countdown. Shit is getting big. We are getting uncomfortable. I can only fit into so much, I've never looked so longingly at spring sales and lovely colors...we're almost there though, baby! Trying to rock this out for the duration. 
 Helpful guidance: 

When "borrowing" photos from this blog, please link back to this blog. Thanks! 

We shall wear maxi dresses

and paint our toes springtime colors while we can still reach them

and we won't give up on our scarves

and we will still try to  get away with tying jeans off with a rubber band
the topknot never went away
But we did add some hot pink lipstick
spring green and sandal time (before we swell all to hell)

and bust out some wedges (illegal for preggos)
if all else fails throw some bangles on
a lady still wants to feel like a lady *clutches pearls*
make sure to wear your most uncomfy non maternity shirt on days you have Dr. visits....
...so you'll be extra annoyed when you wait 2 hours for a 7 minute appointment
Dig your favorite denim vest out of the closet to complete a sweet "joutfit" look
again with sparkles because they make everything better. Or make you look less like a hipster.
Somedays just say eff the world and throw your hair up in some ridiculous headband/bow contraption and put on a scarf
And don't forget your best friends: belts. They've missed you
and maybe add some boat shoes and stripes because you know...that's nautical
be influenced by favorite colors and sunshine
Lest we forget, stripes are always a good look
...so that means stripes + maxis = extra great. (bonus cat tail)
take advantage of your friend's maternity hand-me-downs on days your face looks miserable like this. 
and pray that an infusion of pretty colors makes nausea go away (it doesn't)
find yourself drawn to all things blue for baby boy
and be amazed at the stretch possibilities of all things lycra
EMBRACE YOUR LARGESS (generous bestowal of gifts.)


  1. You are more beautiful then ever! So proud of you in so many ways!! Youre gonna look even more stunning with a baby on your hip ;)

  2. I love your maternity fashion! Fabulous!

  3. Hi there, I came across your blog through pinterest. You're looking so cute!
    stop by and check out another pregnant fashion blogger at www.FabGabBlog.com
    and / or follow me on pinterest.com/fabgabblog

    nice e-meeting you!


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