Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cheers to 12 weeks!

Completely thrilled to have crossed this milestone - after 12 weeks, and a visual or audio of the heartbeat, all systems are go! We went to the GBMC Harvey Institute for a Nuchal Translucency screening to make sure Baby Lovelace was a healthy grower at 11 weeks 6 days. 

It was a great experience! Glenn's sister is an ultrasound technician and was pleased we were going to be seen by Dr. Jari and her team (who went to school in Pennsylvania where Regina works with one of Dr. Jari's colleagues). I think it gave us a little bit more "visual time" to share this tidbit with the technician.

Everything looks great! The Nuchal Translucency measurement is at 1.5-1.6, and baby is completely healthy. Anything 2.8+ is a marker for Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities. We got a good half an hour or so of time looking at Baby, and the technician was very thorough with detailing the heart, arms, and legs as well as taking many measurements. 

I apparently follow directions too well, the technician said my bladder was ginormous and let me "release" about a cup and a half to be more comfortable. In that time baby had flipped upside-down! It's crazy to see how much they move around. I can't wait to start feeling those movements in these upcoming weeks!

We also shared the news with the world, aka FACEBOOK! It was a very exciting moment to tell everyone, and the enthusiastic feedback makes me smile! It's nice to see how much love is out there for a new baby.

Baby Lovelace's big debut...eating a "burrito" like Erin said :)
12.5% of  my facebook friend population is excited, ha! We also told our respective jobs, so it is good to have that cat out of the bag, or the baby out of the bunting as it boss was supportive and offered to call HR to get me some feedback on the maternity leave policy (as it has been at least 5 years since anyone was pregnant at the company). I am curious and excited to see how the rest of the company will react to the news! One thing is for sure, at least everyone will know what this bulge is, and why I've been drinking all that gross decaf coffee. 

little teeny wiggle worm 
Below is one of my favorites, because you can see the full development of the hand, much like baby is waving at us! Sup Ya'll?! See ya in May!

The shot on the left is taken sorta "head down" so you can see the arm waving, and to the right we see Baby "giving us 5" . I have upcoming standard prenatal visits, and next ultrasound is the anatomy at 18-20 weeks! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing ultrasound -- isn't the technology amazing. I finished the first quilt -- the one I had started before we went shopping, sort of the "practice" quilt. It is really cute. Will send pics later. Love you!


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