Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Happenings

Things have been a tad slow up the old blog uptake if you haven't noticed as of late...holidays, and shopping and prep work have been owning alot of my spare time. Also I'm growing a tiny person and that can be tiring. 

We did get the tree up after a few false starts (artificial was broken, truck wasn't cleaned out when we went to look at real trees, then delayed arrival home because of post-rain traffic made us too tired one night) but alas, she is up and she is a beauty!

Can hardly wait for next year when we have a little guy to shop for! Christmas is about the kids, afterall. Speaking of shopping, I've found it hard to not purchase a few items (okay, clothes) especially when they are on sale. We spent Saturday registering at Babys R Us (which was a bit of a melee because of all the holiday shopping) for 2.5 hours. I did good and only bought some Bio Oil , which by the way is amazing for preggos and anyone who likes their skin to feel healthy and refreshed. I went to the hood mall nearby yesterday to get some random things and spent a few bucks at Burlington Coat Factory on some Carters goods. They are my favorite children's brand by far. I was a bit nauseated to see their pricing versus half of the stuff we registered for at Babys R Us. It's sickening how they monopolize in that market. A $400.00 Medela breast pump at BRU is $250.00 at Burlington. Why are the "good" pumps so damn expensive?! It's almost like they want women to force babies into formula. It's a racket I tell ya! Sidenote, it was a true joy to register for breast pads and other leaky boob oriented goods -- like hey guys I'm going to sop up some milk with these pads, thanks in advance. I am awkward like that. 

We also went to our friends annual holiday party and got snazzed up a bit! My pals Sheena and her sister Christina spoiled me and gave me a Kardashian velvet leopard print jazzy number to wear. 

they're always baking me bread and giving me presents
This little number apparently retails for a good buck 50 online, and is not something I would ever purchase for myself, but everyone loved it! It has a nice rich luxurious velveteen finish so people were stroking the leopard spots all night. That sounds sexier than it was. 

loving this snazzy man!

Quick pic with the host!

everyone thought I was 6 months preggo
It was great to see all of our friends in one big group, and since we recently shared the news Baby is a Boy, we got alot of love. It was nice to have such great feedback from friends and know how much everyone cares. We are spoiled already and he isn't even here yet!

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